Dubai On Flickr: Where's The Vanity?

Originally uploaded by MISS ICEBERG.

One of the odd little subcultures that seems to have popped up on Flickr is the United Arab Emirates Photo Squad. I don't know where they all came from, but these flickrites (they appear to be young women, for the most part) seem to share both a keen appreciation of Starbucks coffee and conspicuously expensive tastes -- in those respects, they're not unlike their counterparts on the Upper East Side.

That said, the only thing I think is really strange about these photosets is the total absence of self-portraits. There are nice pictures of Dior, jewelry, the well-loved Baba Zayed, Mecca, and small children, but you'd never know what these people look like; none of the streams I've seen has featured any of the extended-arm self-portraiture of the average young-rich-kid-with-fancy-camera set. You rarely see their friends, either; the only faces in there belong to small children, old people, and manual laborers.

Where's the vanity? Where's the unbridled celebration of self? Dubai, you disappoint me.

The UAE group is a good place to get introduced to the young and powerful in Dubai, or at least to see their Pumas.

Posted by tangentialist at December 27, 2004 01:35 AM | more tangentialism

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