New York Times' Year In Multimedia

The New York Times has posted their 2004 Year In Pictures, with Vincent LaForet, et al, killing it as usual. This is yet another classy interactive number for the Times, concluding a busy year of great multimedia pieces. I love that the paper and its reporters have been willing to invest money and time in the multimedia sidebars that have accompanied more articles in more sections this year than ever. While a few seem like mere afterthoughts to the article, many of them manage to bring a narrative light to the written pieces that really makes them compelling. It's nice to see the Times strive beyond its reputation as the Paper of Record and distinguish itself as a true observer of life in New York.

One of my favorite Times multimedia pieces this year was Invention for 900 Hands, a six-part series by James Barron that follows the construction and sale of a Steinway piano. Hearing the piano's voice develop from week to week made a cliffhanger out of a story that would otherwise have fallen through the cracks of the Metropolitan Desk.

Also, search the archives and watch any of the pieces on Africa, and catch Kristof on Darfur.

Posted by tangentialist at December 27, 2004 03:36 AM | more tangentialism

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