There Are Cupcakes In The LES

Sugar Sweet Sunshine
Originally uploaded by tangentialism.

If you work, live, or frolic in the Lower East Side, you must immediately make your way to Sugar Sweet Sunshine, on Rivington between Essex and Norfolk. They're churning out a good eight varieties of tiny, overfrosted cakes, and it's rocking my world.

Oddly, for such a cheery dessert, cupcakes seem to have engendered no small amount of bitterness in the incestuous little bakery community spawned by the House of Magnolia. The Sugar Sweet people apparently split from Buttercup, Magnolia's own vindictive offspring, to form this happy little cupcake cooperative. How many more generations of cupcake one-upmanship can this city handle? I'll stay blissfully ignorant of the drama so long as Sugar Sweet Sunshine continues to ply me with their unholy chocolate almond frosting. These little pistachio numbers in the picture are no joke, either.

I, for one, don't see any reason to stand in a slow-moving line outside Magnolia when I can trot over the bridge and grab an intimidating bundle of cupcakes from their culinary grandchildren. Plus, there are fewer toddlers pawing at the red velvet cakes.

Posted by tangentialist at December 24, 2004 02:10 AM | more tangentialism

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