Happy New Year, Now Back To Work

Once again, New York lucks out with reasonably tolerable weather on New Year's Eve. Good for the folks in Times Square, but equally pleasant for those of us capitalizing on free house parties in Brooklyn (this year's house parties brought to you by Dale, Dalia, Damien, and the letter "D").

Jon, of True Swamp fame, thinks this year is the peak of the New Year's Eve Freeloader Cycle, indicated by a relative dearth of house parties and masses of aimless revelers (like me!) wandering the streets of North Brooklyn. Next year, we should be headed for richer pickings, as bored New Yorkers decide to "just do it themselves" instead of sitting at home and watching Regis Philbin sweep up Dick Clark's sumptuous Rockin' Eve confetti. I promised Damien free attendance at my next two NYE house parties, with no BYOB obligation, in an effort to shore up my wilted New Year's karma.

Here's to a very tangential 2005, with pastures green and pockets deep for all and sundry. Keep on keepin' on.

Posted by tangentialist at January 3, 2005 02:38 PM | more tangentialism

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