MacWorld: Oh, Buddy

under the mac mini
Originally uploaded by kenyee.

So, I geeked out this morning, as I do this morning every January, and followed the harrowing live text coverage of Steve Jobs' keynote at the MacWorld Expo in San Francisco. My brother, in the truest nerd fashion, was there, acting as my twitchy nerd eyes and ears.

I won't go into too much detail, beyond pointing out how childlike I become when new Apple products are announced, but mark my words:

Apple turned a big fat corner today. Every new product announced at the keynote (the Mac Mini, in particular) was expertly crafted to align the iPod market with the Macintosh computer. In short, they might finally capitalize on all this iPod hype. Apple stands to realize the computer-as-appliance vision that the Macintosh was designed to fulfill, and that's pretty great.

P.S. I'll take a Mac Mini and an iPod shuffle.

Posted by tangentialist at January 12, 2005 01:14 AM | more tangentialism

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