My Dad Thought I Said "New Yorker"

New York Magazine has published a photo I took on the L train as part of their coverage of the impending ban on photography in the subway system. This is great, for two reasons:

  1. It doubles the number of publications that have printed my photographs.
  2. It's not the National Enquirer.

I went ahead and bought two copies, and encourage you to skip out and grab one yourself -- if only to support a publication with such refined aesthetic tastes as New York. When I first told my parents about this, they were really excited for about half an hour, thinking I had said "The New Yorker". Whatever -- it's a step in the right direction (hear that, Conde Nast? I'm coming for you.)

I am, as always, available to surreptitiously photograph you on the subway system, or in somewhat less crowded environs of your choice.

UPDATE: Whoa! Also, check out the flickr homepage for this same shot! You may have to reload, but the Goethe quote alone is worth it. Damn! New York, flickr, and the Enquirer! Beat that, Walker Evans!

Posted by tangentialist at January 17, 2005 06:44 PM | more tangentialism

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