Space Elevator Hits The Big Time

space elevator

Flyers about a space elevator in Williamsburg have been appearing around the Northside and causing a stir among the local residents and their friends abroad, who apparently include Xeni Jardin. There's even a yahoo group, where a discussion on the various annoyances of such a development ("Constant Whirring Noise") is unfolding, and where you can download some copies of your own.

First come the high rises, then the space elevators. NIMBY!

(Note: They appear to have reached their bandwidth limit on the flyer, so I'll share my copy.)

Posted by tangentialist at February 2, 2005 03:00 PM | more tangentialism

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» Pro-Space-Elevator Lobby Emerges from tangentialism
More wheatpaste drama on the Space Elevator front, which is quickly becoming the hot-button issue here in Brooklyn. Over the weekend, the flyer pictured above appeared around Williamsburg, seemingly in reponse to the original anti-Space-Elevator poste... [Read More]

Tracked on August 22, 2005 11:49 PM