Jose Canseco Needs To Stay On Message

In today's Capitol Hill hearings on steroid use in baseball (shocking!), a suddenly-meek José Canseco ("I did not know that my revelations would reverberate in the halls of this chamber."), whose ghost-penned Juiced appears to have prompted a sort of Congressional intervention, issued the following warning:

"Steroids were a part of the game and no one wanted to take a stance on it ... Hopefully this book I wrote educates people about how widespread use steroids is in major league sports, and that people say, look, you've got to stopthis. The owners have to stop this. They have all got to stop this, period."

But Ben McGrath's New Yorker article about a recent Canseco book signing shows Canseco's softer side when it comes to steroids:

"If you stick with a program of good nutrition and a consistent approach to fitness, and know the right mix of steroids and growth hormone to take, you should be the same at fifty years old as you are at thirty.”

I don't know if I expect the guy to be contrite, but at least be consistent.

Posted by tangentialist at March 17, 2005 07:37 PM | more tangentialism

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