Meta-Tangentialism And The Perils Of Hosting

To those of you for whom "look and feel" is a concept as inviolate as "bread and water", I apologize for the coming week. I am making quick and intermittent changes to the front page of tangentialism to bring more of a "photoblog" feel to the place without sacrificing the words. So far, I am failing, and we're back to normal until my next five hours of free time.

My most recent attempt had some juxtaposition issues, with this picture appearing to illustrate an entry titled, "Once Again, Someone Jerks Off In Front Of Stacey". Not exactly what I was looking for, but an interesting look into my subconscious, nonetheless.

Complicating matters this morning was the sudden loss of power at the datacenter where tangentialism is hosted -- tough for me to wrap my head around, because the catalyst for the power loss appears to have been the two redundant power backup systems that ensure I never lose power to begin with.

So, barring further inexplicable outages, and time permitting, we're looking at possibly rolling with the photoblog crew in, say, five to twenty days. Tentatively.

Posted by tangentialist at March 31, 2005 04:10 PM | more tangentialism

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