Stickers and My First Apartment

Today, I stumbled on this post, a collection of stickers peeled carefully from the Lower East Side between 1992 and 1995. I'm a big fan of these things, having placed stickers all over the Lower East Side in my time, and this guy has more than a few classics.

This particular scan, though, is my favorite:

There, on the flexible polymer cover of his 1995 monthly planner, is the kingpin sticker that I found on the bathroom mirror of my first apartment in Brooklyn, a studio in Park Slope formerly occupied by an FIT student and her boyfriend, who left behind only ferret droppings and this sticker (dated "nineteen9Dfo"). Every morning, worried about whatever I went to sleep worrying about, I would stare at that sticker as I washed my face, reciting to myself its simple mantra: "Schmoova Than The Head of Telly Savalas". It was an effective calming technique, and I quickly abandoned any notion of trying to remove Telly's sympathetic noggin from my morning routine. I left it behind when I moved out, two and a half years later, and totally forgot my morning discussions with Doctor Savalas -- until today, when Telly and his floating crown popped up in my RSS feeds and reminded me what it means to be thoroughly in control of my situation.

Who Loves Ya Baby?

Posted by tangentialist at March 3, 2005 05:32 PM | more tangentialism

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