New Orleans

It's too hard to compose in a blog post my thoughts on what is happening to New Orleans. I don't think I ever would have expected the extent of unmitigated human suffering that has unfolded over the last week, even in light of New Orleans' vulnerability. The scale of loss and human trauma--especially on the part of the victims who were and are trapped in the city--is tragic, unnecessary, and infuriating.

My thoughts go out in particular to my colleague Nick, whose family was fortunate enough to be able to escape. They're worried about their home, and what they will return to, and when, and how they will weather their separation from New Orleans and each other until all this has passed. For them, and for every citizen of the city, I hope it passes swiftly, and that it gets better before it gets worse.

Not that you haven't been prodded a thousand times already in the last five days, but Charity Navigator is a good place to start as you decide how to help.

Posted by tangentialist at September 2, 2005 05:50 PM | more tangentialism

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